Indie Bedroom Aesthetic: 5 tips on how to accomplish 'the look' and more....!

The indie bedding aesthetic encapsulates a charmingly eclectic and effortlessly cozy vibe that has become increasingly popular in interior design. This aesthetic draws inspiration from various sources, combining elements of bohemian, vintage, and handmade styles to create a unique and inviting atmosphere. Indie bedding often features an array of textures, patterns, and colors, with a focus on natural materials and sustainable choices. Quirky and mismatched patterns, along with a mix of fabrics like knits, linens, and cottons, contribute to the cozy and lived-in feel of the indie bedding aesthetic. This style encourages a sense of individuality and creativity, as it invites people to curate their sleeping spaces with personal touches such as DIY decor, handcrafted accents, and sentimental pieces. Overall, the indie bedding aesthetic is a celebration of comfort, self-expression, and a departure from conventional design norms.

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Indie Aesthetic Inspo Everlasting
Indie Aesthetic Inspo Everlasting
Indie Aesthetic Inspo Everlasting

What is the Indie Bedroom Aesthetic?

To create an indie bedroom aesthetic, embrace a blend of alternative and artistic styles. Begin with a neutral color scheme for walls and larger pieces of furniture, then infuse vibrant accents through bedding, cushions, and artwork. Seek out vintage or eclectic furniture pieces for a unique touch. Layer diverse textiles like macramé wall hangings and woven rugs, and incorporate DIY crafts and handmade décor items. Introduce indoor plants and unique lighting fixtures, such as string lights and vintage lamps, to enhance the ambiance. Display personal mementos, thrifted finds, and indie art prints to infuse character and creativity into the space. This eclectic mix of elements will cultivate a distinctive and inviting indie-inspired bedroom.

1. Neutral color palette with pops of color!

Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting
Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting
Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting
Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting

To achieve an indie bedroom aesthetic, combine artistic styles with a neutral base for walls and furniture. Add vibrancy through bedding and artwork. Use unique vintage or eclectic furniture, and layer textures like macramé and rugs. Incorporate DIY crafts and plants, along with distinctive lighting. Showcase personal items, thrifted finds, and indie art for character. This creates an inviting and creative indie-inspired bedroom.

Achieve a INDIE bedroom aesthetic with...

2. Add some LAYERED BEDDING to the mix!

Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting
Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting
Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting
Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting

Layering plays a crucial role in cultivating an authentic indie bedroom aesthetic. By skillfully combining diverse textures, colors, and patterns, layering adds depth and visual interest to the space. This technique creates a cozy and lived-in feel, characteristic of the indie style. Layered bedding, rugs, cushions, and wall hangings contribute to a rich, eclectic atmosphere that invites relaxation and self-expression. Ultimately, layering fosters a sense of individuality and artistic freedom in crafting a space that resonates with the indie aesthetic.

Achieve an Indie bedroom Aesthetic with...

3. Check out our Earth Tone bedding collection!

Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting
Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting
Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting
Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting

Earth tone bedding holds significant importance in achieving an indie aesthetic for your bedroom. These natural hues, inspired by the colors of the earth, seamlessly blend with the indie style's emphasis on authenticity and a connection to nature. Earth tones like warm browns, soft greens, and muted oranges evoke a sense of calmness and harmony, fostering a serene environment. When used in bedding, they create a grounding backdrop that complements the eclectic mix of textures and patterns often associated with the indie aesthetic. This choice not only reflects a bohemian and independent spirit but also contributes to a cozy, inviting, and effortlessly stylish indie bedroom.

Achieve a Indie bedroom aesthetic with...

4. Light up your Indie BEdroom!

Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting
Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting

Lighting plays a pivotal role in shaping the ambiance of an indie room, casting a transformative glow on the space. The indie aesthetic thrives on a sense of intimacy and creativity, and lighting serves as the medium to achieve this. Warm string lights delicately draped across the walls or ceiling imbue a dreamy atmosphere, evoking a sense of nostalgia and comfort. Vintage lamps with soft, filtered illumination create pockets of coziness, inviting introspection and relaxation. The play of light and shadow accentuates the textures and layers that define the indie style, adding depth and mystery to the room. Whether through mismatched lanterns, artistic pendant lights, or natural sunlight filtering through sheer curtains, the lighting in an indie room crafts an enchanting setting that embraces individuality and creativity, making it a haven for personal expression and artistic contemplation.

Achieve a similar look with...

Lighting is a pivotal aspect of an indie room, molding its atmosphere and character. Inducing an intimate and creative vibe, lighting acts as a catalyst for the indie aesthetic. From the gentle glow of string lights that weave nostalgia to vintage lamps emitting cozy radiance, each light source contributes to the textured, layered feel typical of the indie style. Whether it's a play of shadows through lanterns or artistic pendants, lighting in an indie room fosters a unique space for self-expression and artistic immersion.

5. Layer your bedding with some of our best throws!

Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting
Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting
Princess Pilates Bedroom Inspo By Ever Lasting Fabric
Princess Pilates Bedroom Inspo By Ever Lasting Fabric

Throw blankets hold a significant role in perfecting an indie aesthetic within your space. These versatile and often textured pieces provide an opportunity to layer and add depth to your décor. By draping a throw blanket over a bed, chair, or couch, you infuse warmth and comfort while introducing an element of tactile interest. In an indie-inspired setting, throw blankets offer a chance to experiment with colors, patterns, and materials, contributing to the eclectic and unique atmosphere. These simple yet impactful additions not only enhance visual appeal but also invite relaxation and a sense of personal expression, capturing the essence of indie style.

Accessorize your Bedroom aesthetic with some of our favorite throws...

Every delicate indie bedroom has its own Personality!

Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting
Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting
Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting
Indie bedding Inspo Everlasting

Every indie bedroom exudes a distinct personality, reflecting the unique traits and preferences of its inhabitant. The essence of the indie aesthetic lies in its celebration of individuality and self-expression. As a result, no two indie bedrooms are alike. Each space is a canvas for personal storytelling, adorned with a curated mix of vintage finds, DIY creations, and cherished mementos. From the choice of colors and textures to the arrangement of furniture and art, every decision showcases the dweller's personality and interests. Whether it's a bohemian oasis, a minimalist haven, or a retro retreat, the indie bedroom becomes an extension of the inhabitant's identity, embodying their passions, experiences, and artistic inclinations in a truly one-of-a-kind manner.

Check out our individual items and mix & match!

Don't Forget your cozy indie inspired outfit!

Wearing pajamas that match the indie bedroom aesthetic holds significance in creating a holistic and immersive experience within your personal space. Just as your room's decor tells a story, your choice of pajamas contributes to the narrative by extending the atmosphere to your personal attire. When your sleepwear complements the indie style, it aligns with the eclectic, artistic, and relaxed vibe of the room. This attention to detail enhances the overall ambiance and demonstrates a commitment to harmonizing every aspect of your environment. By embodying the indie aesthetic through your pajamas, you amplify the sense of authenticity and individuality that defines the indie lifestyle, resulting in a more immersive and satisfying personal retreat.


In conclusion, embracing the indie bedroom aesthetic is not just about decor; it's a journey of self-expression and creativity. Every element, from the earthy color palette to the layered textures and unique pieces, comes together to form a space that mirrors your personality. And what better way to enhance this experience than with bedding that perfectly encapsulates the indie vibe? That's where Everlasting Fabrics comes in. Our curated collection of indie aesthetic bedding offers a range of earthy tones, artistic patterns, and high-quality materials that align with your vision. Embrace the opportunity to transform your sleeping quarters into a haven of individuality and comfort. Visit Everlasting Fabrics today and let your indie bedroom story unfold through every carefully chosen piece of bedding. Your unique expression starts here.

Quick Bedding FAQ:

Do you offer student discounts?

Absolutely! We understand education is expensive, and are pleased to offer 10% off to those in school pursuing higher education. Simply send us an email to verify your student status and receive your discount code. :)

What size should I get?

In terms of sizing, most college dorms have Twin XL beds. In that case, we recommend going with a small size bed set and flat sheet. If you're looking for a fresh start or not sure where to begin, we recommend checking out our bundles! Each bundle will include a pillow, duvet insert and bedding set! It is also already pre discounted! Say heyyy to savings.

Don't see the bundle for the style of bedding set you like? Reach out to us and we might be able to make it happen! :)

For more info on bedding and sizing check out our size guide.

How should I decorate my room?

However you feel fit! No matter your style or aesthetic, Ever Lasting has a huge selection of bedding, we're sure you'll find something you love. ♡ Don't forget to share your progress and room makeovers with us by using #EverLastingMakeover and tagging us @EverLastingFabric.

Anything we missed?

Find more answers and tips on our back to school page or contact us for more help :)

Thanks for staying till the end


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♡ Don't forget to share your progress and room makeovers with us by using #EverLastingMakeover #EverLastingFabric and tagging us @EverLastingFabric.

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