Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac

Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac

In the heart of a bustling city, amidst the relentless pulse of daily life, there exists a haven that embodies the essence of serenity and enchantment. In her cherished apartment, Luna has sculpted a sanctuary where the celestial dances gracefully with the mundane. A young woman captivated by the mysteries of the mystical and the allure of magic, Luna's home reflects her soulful connection to the cosmos.

Step into Luna's captivating world with us and witness how Everlasting beddings and duvets transform her bedroom into a celestial retreat, where every corner whispers cosmic wonder with the zodiac.

 In Luna's cozy abode, adorned with the thoughtful touches of her favorite Everlasting designs, the zodiac's essence breathes life into her surroundings. Each piece of bedding resonates with the spirit of the stars, from the nurturing embrace of Cancer's waters to the passionate intensity of Scorpio's transformative fire. These elements are not just decor but threads that weave together a tapestry of comfort and inspiration.

As the city's clamor fades into the quiet embrace of the night sky, Luna finds solace in the celestial patterns and soothing textures that envelop her. Her Everlasting duvet becomes more than a cover—it's a portal to dreams infused with celestial wisdom, where each night brings new journeys under the watchful eye of the moon and the twinkling guidance of the stars.

This is Luna's sanctuary, where every detail reflects her deep-seated affinity for the magical and the mystical. Here, amidst the gentle glow of moonlight and the soft hues of her Everlasting bedding, her personal retreat invites you to discover the beauty of a space where dreams and reality converge harmoniously.

Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac

Aries' Fiery Ambition...

Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac

As Luna awakens to the first light of dawn, the vibrant hues of sunrise filter through her window, infusing her with the fiery energy of zodiac Aries. With a spirit as bold and adventurous as the Ram's, she eagerly adorns her bed with Everlasting's exquisite duvet cover. The energetic oranges and captivating patterns not only reflect her inner fire but also symbolize her readiness to embrace the challenges and opportunities that await her throughout the day.

In the quiet moments of the morning, as she arranges the duvet with care, Luna finds herself drawn into its dynamic design, feeling a sense of empowerment and determination wash over her. The duvet becomes more than just a piece of bedding—it becomes a symbol of her passion and resilience, a source of inspiration by zodiacs that fuels her as she prepares to seize the day. With each touch and adjustment, Luna's connection to her sanctuary deepens, creating a space where she can harness the boldness of Aries and channel it into her endeavors.

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Taurus' Earthly Delights ...

Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac

As evening descends and the city lights begin to twinkle beyond her window, Luna retreats to the comforting embrace of her bedroom sanctuary. Wrapped in the luxurious bedding from Everlasting, adorned in soothing earthy tones, she indulges in the sensory delights that resonate with the essence of Taurus. Each touch and texture evokes a sense of grounding and serenity, allowing Luna to fully immerse herself in the richness of every zodiac moment.

The subtle elegance of her Everlasting bedding complements the tranquil ambiance of Luna's sanctuary, creating a haven where she can unwind and recharge. Surrounded by the gentle hues and soft fabrics that embody the steadfast nature of Taurus, Luna finds solace in the quietude of her space, a sanctuary that nourishes both body and soul.

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Gemini's Duality...

Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac

In the quiet hours of twilight, Luna's mind awakens with the curiosity and versatility of Gemini, embracing the duality of light and shadow. Wrapped in Everlasting's reversible duvet cover, she navigates the infinite possibilities of her dreams, effortlessly drifting between worlds of imagination and reality.

The dual-sided design of her Everlasting duvet becomes a metaphor for Luna's own multifaceted nature, allowing her to explore different facets of herself as she transitions from day to night. Each side offers a new perspective, a canvas upon which her thoughts and dreams intertwine, mirroring the dynamic energy of the Gemini zodiac. In this serene moment, surrounded by the subtle textures and harmonious colors of her sanctuary, Luna finds herself inspired to embrace the ever-changing rhythms of life with curiosity and grace.

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Cancer's Lunar Embrace...

Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac

Under the soft glow of the moon, Luna seeks solace in the gentle embrace of Cancer's nurturing energy. Enveloped in Everlasting's cozy bedding, adorned in calming shades of soothing blues, she surrenders herself to the waves of emotion, finding deep comfort within the sanctuary of her own heart.

The serene ambiance of her bedroom, accentuated by the tranquil hues and plush textures of her Everlasting bedding, creates a haven where Luna can embrace her vulnerabilities and connect with her innermost feelings. Each touch of the soft fabric soothes her spirit, inviting introspection and allowing her emotions to ebb and flow like the tides guided by Cancer's intuitive wisdom. In this peaceful moment, under the moonlit canopy, Luna finds strength in the nurturing embrace of her sanctuary, a space where she can truly be herself.

Achieve a similar look with...

Leo's Regal Splendor...

Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac

As dawn breaks once more, Luna awakens with the majestic energy of Leo coursing through her veins. Embracing the Lion's charisma and confidence, she adorns her bed with Everlasting's luxurious duvet cover, resplendent in regal golds.

The opulent hues and exquisite design of her Everlasting bedding reflect Luna's own radiance, empowering her to step into the day with a bold and commanding presence. Inspired by the Lion's spirit, she is ready to shine her light upon the world, embracing opportunities with grace and determination.

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Virgo's Serene Simplicity...

Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac

In the quiet moments of the afternoon, Luna finds solace in the calm and meticulous energy of Virgo. Surrounded by Everlasting's crisp and clean bedding in soothing neutral tones, she cultivates a sanctuary of order and harmony, where every detail is purposefully arranged.

The simplicity and elegance of her Everlasting bedding resonate with Virgo's keen eye for detail, allowing Luna to appreciate and find beauty in the smallest nuances of her surroundings. Each fold of the bedding and every carefully chosen element contributes to the serenity of her space, creating a haven where she can rejuvenate her spirit and restore her sense of balance. In this tranquil setting, Luna embraces Virgo's thoughtful approach to life, finding peace in the clarity and simplicity that surrounds her.

Achieve a similar look with...

Libra's Harmonious Balance...

Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Challengers Sporty ItaStarry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac Girl Inspo by Ever Lasting

As evening descends and the stars twinkle in the night sky, Luna immerses herself in the harmonious energy of Libra. Enveloped in Everlasting's duvet cover adorned in soft pinks, she seeks balance and grace, embracing the beauty of connection and collaboration.

The gentle hues of her Everlasting bedding reflect Libra's affinity for harmony and aesthetic beauty, creating a serene atmosphere where Luna can appreciate the interconnectedness of life. In the quietude of her sanctuary, she finds solace in the delicate balance between light and dark, yin and yang, fostering a sense of equilibrium within herself. Inspired by Libra's diplomatic spirit, Luna embraces the power of relationships and strives to cultivate harmony in all aspects of her life, guided by the peaceful energy that permeates her space.

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Scorpio's Intense Passion...

Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac

Under the cover of darkness, Luna surrenders to the intense passion of Scorpio's magnetic energy. Enveloped in Everlasting's bedding adorned in rich blacks, she delves fearlessly into the depths of her desires, embracing the transformative power of surrender.

The deep, velvety hues of her Everlasting bedding reflect Scorpio's enigmatic allure, creating a cocoon of mystery and introspection where Luna can explore her innermost passions. In this intimate sanctuary, she finds liberation in embracing her vulnerabilities and allowing herself to be consumed by the profound intensity of Scorpio's transformative energies. Inspired by the Scorpio spirit, Luna embraces the journey of self-discovery and personal evolution, knowing that within the darkness lies the potential for profound growth and renewal.

Achieve a similar look with...

Sagittarius' Adventurous Spirit...

Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac

As dawn breaks on a new day, Luna awakens with the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius lighting her path through the zodiac. Wrapped in Everlasting's bedding adorned with bold patterns and vibrant colors, she eagerly embraces the thrill of the unknown, poised to embark on a journey of discovery and exploration.

The lively patterns and dynamic hues of her Everlasting bedding mirror Sagittarius' boundless optimism and love for adventure, igniting Luna's curiosity and fueling her desire to broaden her horizons. In the early morning tranquility of her sanctuary, she feels a surge of excitement and anticipation, knowing that each day holds new opportunities for growth and learning. Inspired by Sagittarius' quest for truth and wisdom, Luna sets forth with courage and enthusiasm, ready to embrace the challenges and discoveries that await her on the path ahead.

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Capricorn's Steadfast Determination...

Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac

In the quiet hours of midnight, Luna finds solace in the steadfast determination of Capricorn. Wrapped in Everlasting's timeless duvet cover adorned in classic hues, she channels the Goat's disciplined energy, preparing herself to ascend the metaphorical mountain of her dreams through zodiac.

The enduring colors and understated elegance of her Everlasting bedding reflect Capricorn's resilience and commitment to achieving her goals. In the peaceful sanctuary of her bedroom, Luna draws strength from the Goat's practical wisdom and unwavering determination. Each night, as she rests beneath the comforting embrace of her duvet cover, she is reminded of her own capacity for hard work and perseverance, ready to face challenges with determination and grace.

Achieve a similar look with...

Aquarius' Cosmic Creativity...

Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac

As twilight fades into night, Luna's mind drifts towards the boundless possibilities of Aquarius. Enveloped in Everlasting's eclectic bedding adorned with unique prints and vibrant colors, she unleashes her creative potential, embracing the freedom to express her authentic self.

The unconventional designs and bold patterns of her Everlasting bedding mirror Aquarius' innovative spirit and desire for individuality. In the tranquil moments of evening, Luna finds inspiration in the freedom to explore new ideas and perspectives, guided by Aquarius' vision for a better, more progressive world. Surrounded by the energizing hues and dynamic textures of her sanctuary, she feels empowered to embrace her true identity and pursue her passions with unbridled enthusiasm. In this space, Luna celebrates the uniqueness of her own journey, knowing that each night brings fresh opportunities to create, innovate, and dream without limits.

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Pisces' Ethereal Dreams...

Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac
Starry Slumber: Everlasting BeddingsThrough the Zodiac

Under the soft glow of the moon, Luna drifts into the ethereal dreamscape of Pisces. Enveloped in Everlasting's bedding adorned in soft pastels and gentle textures, she surrenders to the enchanting currents of the universe, embracing the profound beauty of imagination and intuition.

The soothing colors and dreamlike patterns of her Everlasting bedding reflect Pisces' sensitivity and connection to the mystical realms. In the serene ambiance of her bedroom sanctuary, Luna finds herself transported to a realm where boundaries blur and dreams intertwine with reality. Here, she embraces the magic of creativity and empathy, allowing her spirit to wander freely amidst the stars and waves of the cosmic ocean. Inspired by Pisces' deep empathy and spiritual insight, Luna finds solace and inspiration in the quiet moments of night, where she can truly connect with the depths of her soul and the mysteries of the universe.

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Quick Bedding FAQ:

Do you offer student discounts?

Absolutely! We understand education is expensive, and are pleased to offer 10% off to those in school pursuing higher education. Simply send us an email to verify your student status and receive your discount code. :)

What size should I get?

In terms of sizing, most college dorms have Twin XL beds. In that case, we recommend going with a small size bed set and flat sheet. If you're looking for a fresh start or not sure where to begin, we recommend checking out our bundles! Each bundle will include a pillow, duvet insert and bedding set! It is also already pre discounted! Say heyyy to savings.

Don't see the bundle for the style of bedding set you like? Reach out to us and we might be able to make it happen! :)

For more info on bedding and sizing check out our size guide.

How should I decorate my room?

However you feel fit! No matter your style or aesthetic, Ever Lasting has a huge selection of bedding, we're sure you'll find something you love. ♡ Don't forget to share your progress and room makeovers with us by using #EverLastingMakeover and tagging us @EverLastingFabric.

Anything we missed?

Find more answers and tips on our back to school page or contact us for more help :)

Thanks for staying till the end


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♡ Don't forget to share your progress and room makeovers with us by using #EverLastingMakeover #EverLastingFabric and tagging us @EverLastingFabric.

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